2009년 12월 19일 토요일


Status: Ready for Sale
Released Dec 20, 2009

* Description
ArmMan plays to break a object for fast to run.
You can to use short or long punch.
And you can to get a score when breaks a object and more distance.
You can to record a world ranking.
- This game is fast speed. It's necessary to reaction and sence.
- It's simple control.
- Record a local scores.
- Record a World Ranking in first local score.
* Capture


Sword Of Ninja

Status: Ready for Sale

Released Nov 19, 2009

Buy App ($0.99)

Lite Version (Free)
* Description

Sword of Ninja is now available on your iPhone or iPod Touch.
This game plays to get scores that cuts to objects of drop or move using to left or down side of buttons.
It’s more difficult when clear to levels. Higher level is fast moving objects and appears more obstacles.
Challenge to get a high score.

- It gets a more scores when use to left buttons for a drop objects. And first left button gets a high scores than third left button. (also down button)
- You can Combo hit. Both Left and Down button using to hit an object.
- You get a score when to hits an object of center.
- You must to click menu that scores > World Ranking > My Ranking for update World Ranking.

- until Level 20
- support World Ranking
- more objects
- special objects
- support help menu
- support local high score
- upgrade swords (more fast speed of sword)

* Capture

* Movie for game playing