2020년 12월 11일 금요일


Released data

Dec 11, 2020

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This is a classic solitaire card game with a neon theme.

네온 테마가 적용된 클래식 솔리테어 카드 게임 입니다.

2020년 5월 20일 수요일

Dungeon Run 2

Released date
May 19, 2020

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The knight is trapped in the goblin's dungeon.
Several obstacles are coming from the front and should be avoided depending on the situation.
Standing goblins can be attacked with a kick.
However, the attacking boss goblin is impossible. Look out.

# How to play
  -Kick: Standing goblin attacks are possible.
  -Jump: Avoid by jumping the stones below.
  -Slide: Dodge the top stone down.
  -Left: Run to the left.

  -Right: Run to the right.


기사가 고블린의 던전에 갇혔습니다.
여러 장애물들이 앞쪽에서 나오고 있고, 상황에 맞춰서 피해야 합니다.
서있는 고블린은 킥으로 공격가능 합니다.
그러나 달려오는 보스 고블린은 공격이 불가능 합니다. 조심하세요.

# 게임 방법
 - Kick: 서 있는 고블린 공격이 가능 합니다.
 - Jump: 아래에 있는 돌을 점프해서 피합니다.
 - Slide: 위쪽에 있는 돌을 아래로 피합니다.
 - Left: 왼쪽으로 달려갑니다.
 - Right: 오른쪽으로 달려갑니다.

2020년 3월 25일 수요일

Animal Fight.IO

Released date
March 24, 2020

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## The battle of animals has begun. ##
A group of cute cube animals gathered to launch various missiles.
Up to 8 players gather to play the game, and if you drop off the ground, you win.
The game never ends until it falls off the ground.

# Feature
  - Up to 8 people can enter with a random match.
  - Basic and special attacks are different for each animal.
  - By picking animals, you can increase your abilities. (Up to 10 levels)

  - You can simply enjoy it during the time.

2020년 2월 11일 화요일

Hunter X - Begin

Released date: Feb 21, 2020

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Lite Version (Free)

# Feature
 - Stylish action game using the sword.
 - There are several combo skills. (You can see it as a tip in the game.)
 - There are 3 types of special attack.
 - Control yourself, kill zombies.
 - The action takes place with the birth of the hero (Hunter X) and the story of catching the villain (Dr.Jod).

# Character description
 + Hunter X (Hero)
  - By chance Dr.Jod's zombie gas awakens his superpowers, and he's trained by the Hunter Group for three years. After that, he goes to catch Dr.Jod, who makes zombies.

 + Dr.Jod (Villain)
  - A mad scientist who invades visible cities and towns while continuing to make zombies.

# Goldfish Inc. Hero Action Game Begins
 + We will continue to release hero-based action games.

 + Endings can be connected between games in the future, so be sure to see the ending ^^